about the artist

Sarah Ludington is a 22-year-old self-taught crochet artist and creator of Sarah Stitched It. Having been initially influenced by her grandmother's handmade Hungarian crochet tapestries and doilies, Sarah started off making blankets and knick-knacks before turning to designing garments. Now, in addition to running Sarah Stitched It, she is a full-time neurobiology research technician hoping to go to medical school and work in mental health.

"While I've known some of the basics of crocheting since I was young, I didn't truly fall in love with it until lockdown in 2020, when I became obsessed. I loved the gratification of creating my own clothes with my own two hands — it made me feel good about my body, being able to tailor my clothes exactly how I wanted, and gave me a stronger appreciation for clothing sustainability and production. Eventually, after constantly spamming my close friends and family with pictures of new projects, I decided to start my own Instagram page dedicated solely to crocheting. I had no idea it would take me to where I am today.

"I had always fantasized about being an extravagant fashion designer as a child, but felt insecure and embarrassed about it or standing out. In a sense, crocheting now is both empowering as an adult and healing for my inner child. And of course, as a science and research nerd, there's growing evidence showing the benefits of crocheting in addition to social evidence and anecdotes. It is my and so many others' outlet, promoting positive wellbeing, confidence, connection, and community. I feel so lucky to have stumbled into this craft and the vibrant community around it.

"Whether you've purchased a garment from me, made one of my patterns, shared my page, liked a post — thank you, truly. I am so grateful for the love and support always. Happy crocheting!"